DeFi Adapters

Developers teams shouldn’t waste engineering time and capital on integrations. Most DeFi applications rely on the same common protocols, interfaces for which are often re-implemented by every new developer team.

Abstract’s DeFi adapters allow developers to write applications agnostic of the underlying DeFi primitive so that they’re portable to any new protocol, regardless of their APIs.

Adapters offered by Abstract currently include:

External Use

Our DeFi adapters are open-source and can be used by any developer team, regardless of whether they’re using Abstract’s framework. As described, our adapters facilitate interactions with a host of DeFi primitives by handling API call construction.

To enable the “external” use of this feature we expose a GenerateMessages query that returns the messages required to interact with a given DeFi primitive. This query can be used by any developer team to construct the messages required to interact with a DeFi primitive.

The query is defined as:

fn main() {
GenerateMessages {
    /// Execute message to generate messages for
    message: <<AdapterExecuteMsg>>,
    /// Sender Addr generate messages for
    addr_as_sender: String,

Where AdapterExecuteMsg is the Adapter’s exposed API. The query returns a list of messages (CosmosMsg) that should be executed by the addr_as_sender to interact with the DeFi primitive.